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Family Mediation Process

What is the mediation process?


Family mediation involves attending a series of face-to-face meetings or online meetings together.


Discussions are facilitated by a professional, trained mediator who will help you identify the issues, find a workable solution and gain clarity about the next steps. The mediator will provide a written summary at the end of mediation.


Before any joint meetings, the mediator will have met with you both individually to find out more about the issues that need resolving, give you more information about mediation and answer any questions or concerns you have about what happens next.


Our family mediators know that communicating after a separation is tough. So they are trained at helping people work through issues they have to consider. These include emotional, practical, legal, financial and technical things.


Mediators working for our family mediation service are highly-skilled at helping when feelings are running high, at a time when co-operation is the last thing somebody expects from the other person.


What does Family Mediation cover?


Typical issues discussed in family mediation can include:


Parenting Issues such as :


  • When and where the children will spend time with each of you

  • Helping grandparents keep in contact with their grandchildren

  • Agreeing child maintenance and support payments

  • Arrangements for school holidays and key events such as Christmas, Birthdays etc.

  • Any other issues you wish to agree on – such as schooling, holidays, relocation, change of name, introducing new partners


Financial & Property issues such as :


  • How your assets will be divided

  • What happens to your family home, including who will move out and when this will happen

  • Support payments to be made

  • Division of pensions and investments

  • Spousal maintenance

  • How any upcoming bills will be settled


If there is anything else you need to discuss with your mediator, please do not hesitate to let them know. 


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